
Frequently Asked Questions

CorrosionX 克鏽

CorrosionX克鏽和CorrosionX克鏽-槍枝 是一樣的產品嗎?
是的。 唯一的區別是包裝上的不同。我們接收到大多數槍枝使用者和相關媒體反應點滴瓶比較方便使用和攜帶。 所以我們提供他們一種簡便方式。
用於CorrosionX克鏽-槍枝 專用是否可以去除槍支中的粉末,銅和鉛沉積物?
什麼時候選擇CorrosionX 克鏽或 CorrosionX HD克鏽強效型?
什麼是極性粘合(Polar bonding)?
Corrosion X克鏽中是否有極壓添加劑?
Corrosion X克鏽實際上是否會阻斷生鏽/腐蝕?


Are CorrosionX and CorrosionX for Guns the same thing?
Yes. The only difference is the packaging. When we were “discovered” by the shooting public and press, we received a lot of feedback that shooters would like the option of a non-aerosol dropper bottle (so they could carry it easily in their field jackets, packs and/or have an applicator where they could apply a drop or two on a patch, lubricate the slide on an automatic or semi-automatic firearm, etc.). So we gave them one. It’s just a matter of personal preference for which application type you prefer.
Does CorrosionX for Guns remove powder, copper and lead deposits in guns?
Are CorrosionX and ReelX the same thing?
Can you paint over CorrosionX?
Is CorrosionX good for use outdoors?
When do I use CorrosionX vs. CorrosionX HD?
What will CorrosionX harm?
What's the difference between blue and red labeled products?
Can CorrosionX be used on Air Conditioning equipment?
Will CorrosionX remove rust?
Are there any harmful ingredients in CorrosionX?
Can I use CorrosionX on circuit boards?
Will CorrosionX harm painted surfaces?
How much should I use?
Why does CorrosionX seem to “fizz up” when I use it?
Which package is better: dropper, aerosol, trigger spray or bulk?
Does CorrosionX leave a sticky residue?
Is spraying, misting, dipping, wiping or brushing the best way to apply CorrosionX?
How long will CorrosionX last on the shelf?
How often should I use CorrosionX?
Is CorrosionX flammable?
Can I remove CX once it’s applied?
Is CorrosionX better than products with PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) in them?
Can I use CorrosionX in locks and padlocks?
Why doesn’t CorrosionX interfere with electrical connections?
What is polar bonding?
Why does CorrosionX penetrate so efficiently?
Are there extreme pressure additives in CorrosionX?
Does CorrosionX actually stop rust/corrosion?
How does CorrosionX compare with wax coatings?
Is CorrosionX like WD-40?
Where should I use CorrosionX?
Can CorrosionX be sprayed inside electric motors?
What is the environmental impact of CorrosionX?
What is the maximum operating temperature for CorrosionX?

CorrosionX Grease 克鏽 潤滑脂

CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂是一種高性能,多用途,極壓型潤滑油脂,此產品經美國全國潤滑油脂學會NLGI (National Lubricating Grease Industry)ASTM-D217測試,被評定為NLGI#2等級潤滑油脂。專為最大剪切穩定性,薄膜強度和重載衝擊負荷性能而設計,CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂提供超耐久性和極壓保護。CorrosionX Grease 克鏽潤滑脂是船舶,建築,採礦,農業,伐木和運輸行業中汽車和極壓應用的首選產品。
CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂是否適用於所有一般潤滑脂的應用?
CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂的基底(增稠劑)是什麼?
應用CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂的最佳方式是?
CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂的工作溫度範圍是多少?
CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂適用於高速軸承和集中潤滑系統嗎?
CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂含有危險化學物質嗎?
是什麼讓CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂如此獨特?
CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂在貨架上可儲放多久?
我應該多久使用一次CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂?
什麼是Polar Bonding極性黏合?
CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂是介電性,還是會導電性或它是矽利康油脂嗎?
CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂是否適用於汽車輪轂培林?
CorrosionX Grease克鏽潤滑脂是否適用於海洋應用?

CorrosionX Grease

What is CorrosionX Grease?
CorrosionX Grease is a high-performance, multi-purpose, extreme-pressure rated, NLGI (National Lubricating Grease Institute) #2 grade grease. Engineered for maximum shear stability, film strength and heavy shock-load performance, CorrosionX Grease offers unsurpassed wear and extreme-pressure protection. CorrosionX Grease is the product of choice for automotive and extreme pressure applications in marine, construction, mining, agricultural, logging and hauling industries.
Is CorrosionX Grease an extreme-pressure rated grease?
Is CorrosionX Grease appropriate for all grease applications?
What is the base (thickener) of CorrosionX Grease?
What is the best way to apply CorrosionX Grease?
What are the operating temperature ranges for CorrosionX Grease?
Is CorrosionX Grease suitable for use in high-speed bearings and centralized lubrication systems?
Does CorrosionX Grease contain hazardous chemicals?
What makes CorrosionX Grease so unique?
How long will CorrosionX Grease last on the shelf?
How often should I use CorrosionX Grease?
What is polar bonding?
Is CorrosionX Grease a dielectric, conductive or silicone grease?
Is CorrosionX Grease good for use in automotive wheel bearings?
Is CorrosionX Grease good for use in marine applications?

Rust Reconverter LT 克鏽 轉化劑

Rust Reconverter LT克鏽轉化劑可用於去除鏽蝕嚴重的鋼結構/帶有許多鏽蝕金屬面,還是只適用於鏽蝕不嚴重的金屬?

Rust Reconverter LT克鏽轉化劑是設計用來處裡所有惡化的黑色(含鐵)金屬表面。然而,若金屬本身已經嚴重鏽化到結構的完整性,則無法再變回原本所屬的金屬表面。

因此Rust Reconverter LT克鏽轉化劑只能適用於所屬的金屬表面上。在應用Rust Reconverter LT克鏽轉化劑之前,所有剝離或空洞的鏽斑需先以機械方式進行打磨或敲擊除鏽。
在Rust Reconverter克鏽轉化劑應用之前必須達到的金屬表面清潔度標準是什麼:溶劑清潔,手工具清潔(St1,St2等類),電動工具清潔(St2,St3等類)和磨料爆破清潔(Sa2,Sa2.5,Sa3等類)?
建議在什麼樣的大氣條件使用本產品(例如RH(相對濕度)百分比,空氣溫度,基材溫度,露點溫度等),例如: 以工業標準來看,除了某些特殊塗料外,%RH(相對濕度)高於85%時,對大多數塗層進行上漆是不好的?
Rust Reconverter LT克鏽轉化劑能保護金屬結構無看見鏽跡可持續多久時間(1年,2年或3年)?

Rust Reconverter LT

Can Rust Reconverter LT be used on a heavily rusted steel structure/metal (with a lot of rust scales) after surface preparation to remove the scales or it is meant for metals that have not heavily rusted?
Rust Reconverter LT is designed for use on all deteriorated ferrous metal surfaces. Metal which has deteriorated to the point where it no longer provides structural integrity cannot however be converted back into a sound metal surface. As such, Rust Reconverter LT can be used only on sound metal surfaces. Prior to application of Rust Reconverter LT, scaling rust should be mechanically removed by chipping and grinding.
What is the surface preparation (cleanliness) standard that must be achieve before Rust re-converter can be apply for either: Solvent cleaning, hand tool cleaning(St1,St2 etc), Power tool cleaning(St2, St3 etc) and abrasive blasting (Sa2, Sa2.5, Sa3 etc)?
What is the recommended Surface profile in microns if any is required?
What level of salt on the surface of a substrate is acceptable for applying the product?
What is the recommended WFT (wet film thickness) and DTF (dry film thickness) for each application?
What is the curing time for the product after application (dry to touch and fully cured times)?
What is the recommended re-coat interval for 2 or 3 coats applications?
Under what weather (atmospheric) conditions should the product not be applied (e.g. sunny, humid, raining, humid, etc.)?
What is the recommended Atmospheric conditions that must be adhere to before the application( for %RH, Air temperature, Substrate temperature, Dew point temperature, etc.) e.g. for industry standard, it is not good to do paint application for most coatings when the %RH is above 85% except for some special paints?
How long can Rust Reconverter LT protect a structure (1 yr, 2 yrs or 3yrs etc.) without visible rust on the structure?


REJEX 銳捷含有紫外線抑制劑嗎?
REJEX 銳捷應該用於氧化塗料嗎?
REJEX 銳捷可以用於多孔表面嗎?
是什麼原因能讓使用REJEX 銳捷後的車輛更容易清洗?
能在已上蠟的表面使用REJEX 銳捷嗎?
塗兩層REJEX 銳捷會有什麼好處?
處理不同尺寸的車輛需要多少REJEX 銳捷?
REJEX 銳捷可以用於3M漆面保護透明膜(隱身車衣)上嗎?
REJEX 銳捷可以持續保護多久?
可使用REJEX 銳捷清洗我的車輛嗎?
REJEX 銳捷會將我的露營車 /房車的黑色條紋不再發生嗎?
REJEX 銳捷會讓我的愛車或船遠離硬水污漬和礦物質嗎?
我需將REJEX 銳捷使用在整輛車上還是只需用在前端就好?
產品標籤聲明REJEX 銳捷需與外界隔絕且固化十二個小時。對於像商用卡車,房車和船等大型車輛在室外存放,怎麼可能實現呢?
REJEX 銳捷應該如何存儲?


Does RejeX contain UV inhibitors?
RejeX is a tough, air-cured, impermeable high-gloss, ultra-slick polymer sealant and finish without UV inhibitors. It provides unmatched protection against surface deterioration; easily outlasting and outperforming most wax-type products. As a result of heightened durability, RejeX lasts longer, shines brighter and protects better than waxes and inferior polymer-based coatings. Waxes have a limited lifespan as they oxidize and “die” when exposed to light and oxygen. As wax coatings degrade they lose their ability to enhance and protect surfaces from environmental damage. Excellent for use on painted surfaces; RejeX retards the oxidation process virtually sealing out water and oxygen. And nothing compares to a RejeX shine! The high light refractive index means that the majority of the light spectrum (including UV radiation) is being rejected from the surface rather than being allowed to penetrate into the paint (or fiberglass, etc.). Use it on your car, RV, boat, motorcycle, airplane, helicopter, and 4 wheeler ATV to protect your investment and leave an extraordinary shine.
Should RejeX be used on oxidized paint?
Can RejeX be used on porous surfaces?
What makes a RejeX protected vehicle easier to clean?
Can you use RejeX over wax?
Is there any benefit to applying a second coat of RejeX?
How much will I need to treat (various size vehicles)?
Can RejeX be used on the 3M Diamond Plate product used to protect the front of RVs?
How long will RejeX last?
What happens if my vehicle gets wet before the 12-hour curing interval is complete?
Will RejeX clean my vehicle?
Will RejeX keep the black streaks off my RV/motor home?
Will RejeX keep hard water (mineral deposits) off my boat or car?
Do I just put RejeX on the leading edges/front or on the whole vehicle?
You state that RejeX needs to cure for twelve hours "out of the elements." This seems to indicate that it is not suitable for use unless the vehicle being treated can be stored inside for the prescribed period.
How should RejeX be stored?